Search MailsHunt Email Finder

The most accurate and complete email-finding tool. Type the name and the website to find anyone's email address.

Email Finder

Enter a full name and the domain name of the email address (for example "").


Find the email address of any professional.

The Email Finder is all you need to connect with any professional. Find the email addresses of people who matter to you or your business. The Email Finder uses a large number of data to find the proven or most probable email address of anyone within a second. Our Email Finder is not only the easiest email address finding platform to use but also the most innovative email address finder. In addition, Email Lookup helps you to get the verified business email address directly and rapidly by name, and company domain. It uses many methods to find emails—it searches several million records and cross-checks with the existing data in the database and performs direct server validation.


Discover business email addresses for any Company

Email Finder is a Chrome Extension to discover business email addresses for any Domain Name or any Company. The tool is very quick and easy to use. You just have to provide a domain name (example: and hit the find button to start the finder. The Email Finder Chrome Extension will crawl through every web page and search engines (use advanced search queries) to collect relevant leads. Once it completes the total process extension will automatically download a .csv file with the collected email addresses.

→ Use Email Finder Chrome Extension

Looking to verify an email address

You need to be confident that the email addresses on your subscriber list are valid before sending emails to your followers. With our tool, you can verify an email address without sending an email. This helps you guard against a high bounce rate before even launching your campaign. Emails sent to invalid addresses bounce back, which may lead to an account suspension if the bounce rate is too high. The bounce rate should stay within the 10-15% threshold. Our online free email verifier can check every email address you have and reduce your bounce rate.

→ Use Email Verifier

Common questions about the Email Finder

What is the accuracy of the Email Finder?

Depending on the data we have we can have a very high degree of certainty while other email addresses can have a higher risk. You can click the verifier icon next to every email to get real-time verification.

Are the email addresses guesses or actually found somewhere?

All the email addresses found in the Email Finder have public sources on the web. We don't guess any email addresses nevertheless you can verifier every email address in real-time.